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Ripped Off - Sporting tickets

Created By: topjimmy's Picture topjimmy Last Reply: topjimmy's Picture topjimmy
Priority Level: [High] Status: [Open]
Created: 7 years ago Last Updated: 7 years ago
Department: N/A Replies: 0
Product: Sporting tickets

My wife and I purchased tickets to the Oklahoma State vs Texas Tech game, Spetember 18th, 2016. we purchased the tickets via an online website: The actual date of the Football game was November 18th, 2016. when I purchased the tickets I made a copy of my transaction. It was basically a receipt showing when I paid and how I paid and what the tickets were for. It also stated the tickets were to be an instant download.

I made a PDF of the transaction. It satates on the transaction I made that if the seller accepted the transaction we would get an email confirming this. we never got the email. Not did we ever get the Instant download of the tickets. I assumed since the game was so far in the future they didn't have the tickets at the time and would be sending them to us (Via the Instant download later) As time went by we never heard from this place and we had zero communication.

I sent an email to the seller on November 8th 2016 simply asking them when were we to expect our tickets? Never heard anything from the place. Not one single word. Since we never heard anything from the seller and never got these tickets we didn't get to go to the game. I contacted Pay Pal and was assured they had my back. That is what I was told by the agent.

Pay Pal contacted the seller after several attmepts. The seller responded back to Pay Pal and told them they sent to the tickets to the email address which was supplied at the time of checkout. That was probably the biggest lie of all. That email address is my primarry email address and I check it several times a day. We never got one email from this place. NOT ONE EVER.

They told Pay Pal since they had a transaction number it was valid. Ok, first of all any idiot knows you can't track or verify and email was deleivered to someone. Just becasuse the place said they sent it doesn't mean it was sent. We are very honest people. Our daughter goes to OSU and we did not get to see the game nor did we get to see her.

After several attempts to get our money back via Pay Pal we were just simply told since the seller had a transaction number for the purchase there was nothing they were going to do about it. Venueticketsonline is a Scam, shaddy website. When I called the customer service number I was told since the event happend in the past I could not speak to anyone? really? DO NOT TRUST THIS PLACE.

I have contacted my Bank to file Fraud charges against this company. Don't use Pay Pal they will not help you in time of need. they are very shady as well. Why was my email not answered by the company? it was sent a week before the game. I sent it to the email address provded by this shady place? no answer, no tickets and no money back. We will see who get's the last laugh.....


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